
The place to go if you want to reform the policies of The State Board of Education so they protect our kids instead of the rotten apples. Anybody who has ever had a problem with a teacher, sign in please!

Saturday, December 17, 2005

It's amazing, eve with Katrina, in Texas the TAKS must go on. BTW, TAKS stands for Texas Asessment of Knowledge and Skills.

Now, isn't THAT special! How can kids from Louisiana be held to that standard? I guess, errrh, uhh, the TEA (Texas Education Ass.) didn't think of that. Or I guess it just doesn't matter. No matter the rest of theworld thinks Texans are dumb.

They are.

I may live in Texas but I'm not from here.

As Always,


Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Texas is now really screwing with our schools. Our already overworked teachers need to take in Hurricane Katrina kids into our school system and force them to teach them the TAKS test. If the Feds allow waivers to these children (who need them) then they must not force the rest of the Texas students take it because than it is reverse discrimination.

What's next?

Lisa Veronin

Friday, January 23, 2004

Well, of course, SBEC "reviewed" my case against R. Alexander, and what a surprise!
All charges were dismissed. No reason given I had no say in the process since they are in Austin and we live in Amarillo. I think I'm going to send those "ladies" a letter and have them take a look at this for themselves.

Thursday, December 18, 2003

Hi! My name is Lisa and I live in Amarillo, TX. If anyone has stories please e-mail me at mavat313@yahoo.com

I am still waiting on SBEC's so-called "decision" on the appeal.


Tuesday, October 14, 2003

I am getting ready to go public with problems I am having with getting the state of Texas to deal with the fact that they are putting the rights of horrible teachers over the needs of our kids.
I would like to compile others who have the courage to come forward but are afraid of teacher retaliation against our kids. I will update this site with my ongoing battle because I warned them I would take this public once I file my last appeal.
Stay tuned for more...

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